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  • Isa Polt-Jones

Welcome to bedecked, an online clothing boutique for sustainable fashion

Reduce, reuse and recycle while expressing your personal style.

Bedecked is an online clothing boutique that offers a wide range of boho and contemporary looks, secondhand fashions, and vintage clothing. Our mission is to help you build your wardrobe and home with unique finds that reflect your personal style. We sell online through various platforms such as eBay and Poshmark, and you can shop our vintage collection in person at the Durango Antique Market in Durango, Colorado.

Women's clothing in natural colors hanging on a clothing rack

We especially love boho fashions but you'll find a variety of quality items.

We take pride in our collection of southwestern, western, and bohemian-inspired clothing. Everything is handpicked and curated for you with the following in mind: style, fit, and quality. We also make an effort to source plus-sized fashions. Home goods are mostly available at our booth, but more coming online soon!

What We Love

In this blog we will be writing about sustainable practices, the circular fashion economy, and decorating your home with secondhand and vintage treasures. We'll share special finds and highlight new collections.

Fashion is Self-Care

We love clothing and how we can express our personal style with it. Finding joy in dressing makes every day more fun. Fashion is self-care! Do you agree?

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Image by Tamara Bellis


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